I checked their website and they were open until 7pm..... and only a mere 7 blocks away! Comfortable shoes and here we come!
I didn't get a very good shot of the outside of the shop. To be honest, it was trash day and the front sidewalk was heaped with discarded construction items from the place next door. You can't tell from this photo, but the shop is located on a beautiful tree lined street in a real "neighborhood" looking area, right in the middle of the city. It was also bustling with customers! There were several people shopping and a nice size class for what I gathered was a sampler quilt project being held in the back of the store.
When you are a shop owner it is always fun to anonymously explore another shop. Not for devious reasons, just because. I love to see what other owners purchase, what is selling, what isn't selling. It is a great opportunity to see the fabrics through another persons eyes. What did they buy that you passed over? What is selling well for them and sitting in your store?
Sooner or later I usually find myself in their "sale" area. I always take a deep breath and say a little prayer that I don't find any of MY stuff in sitting on those shelves!
There were a few of my bolts mixed in with other lines and I realized just as I was leaving that my entire Complexion Collection of fabrics were featured in the front window!
I knew I would like that store.
I'm a quilter from California who is traveling to New York in September and I'm wondering where this quilt store is and where the garment district is located on Manhattan. Is there anything worth seeing fabric wise?
The City Quilter is located in midtown. You can Google them for their hours and address. Purl is another shop located in the SoHo area (SoHo means South of Houston, Houston is a street that runs east/west) 7th Ave. is considered Fashion Ave and east of Time Square is the Garment District in midtown. There are tons of fabric shops that you can shop in the garment district, but they have very little quilter weight cottons. Perfect for inspiration, but plan on shopping the quilt shops for the your cotton fabrics... and have a GREAT time!
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