Here is the plan:
Make one nine patch block each day using your stash. Just one block each day. Any size, any color, using any method (although sewing 3 rows of 3 squares together seems like the simplest method to me!). There are no 9 Patch Police, so if you prefer to sit down and make a weeks worth of blocks at one time, that's OK too. I'm recommending a 6" finished block, but you can choose any size you like. Bigger blocks mean bigger quilts. If you have some leftover squares from another project, put them to good use!
If you want to make the 6 inch finished size you will be making your blocks using nine squares that are cut 2 1/2 inches. Stitch those squares together using a 1/4 inch seam allowance, in three rows of three. Press the seams in the top and bottom rows toward the center block. Press the seams in the center row away from the center block. Stitch the rows together, your seams should nest. Your finished block should measure 6 1/2 inches including the seam allowance. That's it. Sleep and repeat, every day until mid August.
Later on in the summer I will provide you with simple sashing and setting instructions. Right now the important part is getting started on the blocks. You can use just 2 colors in each block or you can use 9 different colors. I'm leaning toward the 9 different colors. I have a beautiful batik stash and no scrap quilts to show for it. I'm making scrappy 9 patches, but I think I am going to keep the center square light, or at least the lightest of the nine in each block. You can feel free to make yours anyway you like, and I do mean ANY. Although it is hard for me to do, some of my favorite quilts are true scrap quilts. The color arrangement is what my Aunt Jean refers to as "the dogs breakfast". Lime green next to brown, blue and orange, next to pink polka dots - ANYTHING GOES, and I love it when it is done! I just have a hard time getting there. The scrap quilts I make tend to be more organized, and it doesn't look like this one will be any different.
We are working on the honor system here. You don't have to report in to tell me how many blocks you have done. You don't have to confess if you fall behind. You can catch up later or make a smaller quilt! To be honest, I'm not actually making MY blocks this week. While you are reading this, I'm off scuba diving with my husband in Bermuda! I promise to post photos of my blocks when I return. In the mean time I have set up a Facebook page so that everyone can report their progress and encourage others to keep sewing or join in - the more the merrier! You can link to the Facebook page below or search "9 Patch Project" on Facebook.
That way we can interact with each other and the blog stays - well it stays the blog. Now get started on those blocks and I will catch up with you when I get back from vacation.
I have been wanting to make a bunch of really tiny 9 patches using my 1 1/2 inch postage stamp squares. This will be fun.
I'm in! This fits in perfectly with a quilt-along I've been co-hosting making 9-patch and snowball blocks. I'm going to use a different color scheme for this one. Thanks for hosting and have fun on your trip!
Thanks for this great idea, Karen. I had just bought, on clearance, FQ's, not knowing exactly what I was going to do with them. Since each one has white in it, I'll just add white! I've been wanting to make something with white.
3 down..and I am looking forward to seeing my bits and pieces dwindle.
Count me in. I am looking forward to using us all my small scraps. Maybe it will help clean up my sewing area.
Joanne Smisko
Love it! My friend Yvette pointed me here and I'm starting today - will catch up all at once and then keep up! Yay! This will be fun!
What a wonderful idea! I have been wondering what to do with all my little scraps, now I know. I am going to get working on my blocks today. Will also make a great summer project for my daughter. Thanks.
How do I join?
Pleased to report that I have 12 blocks completed in the 2 1/2" size and 10 in a 3" size. We are hosting a graduation party for oldest granddaughter on the 19th and know that I won't have time to sew for a few days so am trying to get some ahead rather than get behind. It sure is fun going through the stash. Since we have two granddaughters I decided to do one in each size to have two quilts when finished. Really raining today so will have even more time to cut and sew. Sure can't do lawn work so may as well stitch.
This sounds like a lot of fun. Friends who have visited your store had told me about the project and now a bunch of us have started making our nine patches! I'm looking forward to using up stash and scraps piled all over my quilting room.
I just found The 9 Patch Project this morning and will begin today. I have a big basket full of 5 1/2" squares that I will cut into 2 1/2" sguares.
I am on schedule and really enjoying this. I am planning to continue after this project with a different block - what a great way to use up my scrap bins.
When will you be posting setting instructions?
I'm in. Found an old jelly roll of Kansas City Troubles and some extra tan-ish fabric. This'll be my leaders/enders thing this summer.
Hi there, my friend and i started to learn to patch work last sept love it,were doing the nine patch,iam doing 7 1/2inch my friend Anne is doing 9inch were having fun,cant wait to see what you tell us to do with them,we are in Anglesy Wales Great Britain take care all !!!!
What a great idea! Count me in as of July 1.
Check them out! http://imalldeckedout.blogspot.com/2010/06/prints-charming-to-9s.html
39 done so far. This is a fun project that will net a very nice throw for my family room this winter!
Hope it's not too late to join. I think this is a fun idea and I've got lots of scraps. Will start tomorrow and do 2 blocks a day to catch up. :-)
Still on and going strong. I have decided to set the patches diagonally and have already cut my setting square. Can't believe I already have 34 done. Planning to stop at 57 and put it all together! But let's not stop there - I have cut out a ton of additional 21/2 inch square and plan on starting another. thanks so much for this idea Karen.
Now have 39 blocks done in the 2.5" size but only 32 in the 3" size but have lots more cut. Today it's going to be way too hot to do anything else so will get caught up on the 3" blocks and make some extras. This has been a wonderful project.
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